
1.什么是EB- 5区域中心试点计划?

I1990年ñ,根据第203条(b)项(5)的移民和国籍法案(INA),8 USC §1153(B)(5)美国国会创建的第五个就业为基础的优先(EB-5)移民签证类别。每年,提供赠款10,000个移民签证,合格的个人追求的基础上,他们在一个新的商业企业的投资将有利于美国经济的永久居民身份。

2.谁应该投资于EB- 5区域中心?

EB-5 Regional Center foreign investors include people from all walks of life including: professionals, business people, persons wanting to facilitate 孩子的教育和退休人员。如果你的目标是要成为永久居民不积极管理业务,它往往是更便宜,并利用区域中心EB – 5类更方便。 EB5影响资本的区域中心将利用您的投资资金活动的项目。

.什么是所需的最低资本额投资,以便申请EB -5签证?

当您通过区域中心投资的最低资本要求为50万美元,当您选择在农村地区的一个项目或目标就业区(TEA);对于所有其他项目的资金需求是100万美元。 EB5影响首都地区中心选择全部由加利福尼亚州指定茶叶中的项目,以确保我们的投资移民获得最好的投资机会。




否。 EB- 5签证计划允许你生活在美国的任何地方,以维护您的永久居留权

6.是否EB – 5签证提供给人们在世界上任何一个国家? < / STRONG> < / P>

在法律上是肯定的。然而,从没有可靠的税收和其他财务文件国家的人将需要更积极地参与证明投资资金的身份验证和源来处理EB – 5签证申请。

Immigration Q&A

1. What is the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS)?

USCIS is a division of the Department of Homeland Security. USCIS is a government agency responsible for the implementation, administration of immigration and naturalization laws, rules and regulations, functions and policies in the provision of services.

2. Where can I find a copy of the relevant law and regulations to study?

Please go to the United States Citizenship and Immigrations Services (USCIS) website. For a direct link to investment visa information, please click here.

3. Do I need my own immigration lawyer to prepare and file my immigrant investor (I-526 and I-829) petitions?

No. Every Foreign Investor who invests with EB5 Impact Capital Regional Center, LLC shall enter into a separate representation agreement with an attorney of their choice or with an attorney recommended by EICRC. We are familiar with many highly qualified and experienced members of the American Immigration Lawyers Association.

The attorney shall prepare the I-526 Petition for you as a Foreign National Investor. Upon approval of the Petition, the appointed designated Immigration Attorney can prepare your Applications for Conditional Permanent Residency. Before the end of the two year Conditional Permanent Residency, the appointed designated Immigration Attorney can prepare for you the Immigrant Petition to Remove the Conditions of your Permanent Residency; the final step necessary for you to obtain unconditional Permanent Residency.

4. What are the processing procedures?

The foreign investor must complete three phases of the application process become a permanent US resident:

Step 1: To obtain immigrant investor status, the foreign investor to submit a completed Immigrant Petition by Alien Entrepreneur Form (Form I-526) to US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) along with supporting documentation clearly demonstrating that the investment meets all EB-5 requirements. Upon approval of the I-526 Petition, this will be the foundation for Step 2.

Step 2: If the foreign investor is residing within the US and has received Form I-526 approval, he or she may obtain conditional resident status by submitting a completed Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status (Form I-485) to USCIS. If residing outside the US, the foreign investor must apply for an immigrant visa at a US Consulate abroad.

Step 3: During the 90-day period prior to the expiration of the conditional period, the investor should file a completed Petition by Entrepreneur to Remove Conditions (Form I-829) to USCIS. In this petition, the foreign investor must demonstrate that the investment was sustained over the two-year conditional period, and the requisite jobs were created. Upon approval of the I-829 petition, the conditional nature of the green card is lifted and full permanent residence is granted to the investor and the investor’s family members less than 21 years of age.

5. What information and documentation are required?

Professional Background: You must prepare complete biographical information for each applicant and the principal applicant must prove the source of the investment funds. A résumé with copies of college diplomas and other educational certificates, if applicable, should be included. Any memberships in professional organizations should be documented. Unless the investor inherited the funds, the investor should be presented as a successful professional or businessperson with a business, financial or family history that explains the accumulation of financial net worth that is presented in the financial information. Provide as much documentation as possible that pertains to the career and achievements of the Investor.

Source of Funds: Funds for the investment must come from a lawful source. Lawful sources of funds include: profits from the sales of a property, stocks or bonds, profits from business, business transactions, gifts, and inheritances. To prove the source of investment funds, USCIS requires five years of tax returns, five years of bank records, proof of ownership in any businesses, financial statements for each business and business licenses. The idea is to present a track record of an honest course of dealing. If your capital came from a specific transaction, such as sale of a house, inheritance or gift, you must prove the transaction occurred, by providing an official document, such as a closing statement or contract or other official documents. This is not an exhaustive list of documents. Other documents may be required and vary on a case-by-case basis.

All documents included in the application must be translated into English in a proper Affidavit format.

6. What is the difference between “conditional” and “unconditional” green cards?

Under the regulations, an investor who is approved for the EB-5 immigrant visa receives a “conditional” green card, which must be reissued after two years, subject to removal of conditions. Otherwise, the two cards offer the same rights and privileges. A conditional Green Card is a temporary Green Card valid for two years. One year and nine months after it is issued, a three-month window opens up during which an individual must file another application with the USCIS to verify that all of the funds have been invested and the required employment has been created. When the conditional resident status has been lifted, full resident status is granted and a permanent Green Card is issued.

7. If my I-526 petition is approved by USCIS, what is the purpose of the Consulate application and Interview, and how soon do I get my “Green card”?

Upon approval of I-526 Petition:

(a) If you are residing outside the U.S. you must wait for notification from the U.S. Consulate in your home country to prepare documents for the visa interview. The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that the investor and his or her family undergo medical, police, security and immigration history checks before the conditional permanent resident visas are issued. At the interview, the consulate officer may address these issues and information printed on the I-526 application, including asking the investor to summarize the nature of his or her immigrant investment.

(b) If you are in the United States, then you may apply for adjustment of status by filing form I-485, and supporting documents, the application may be filed at the appropriate office of the USCIS.

8. Can I apply if I have been rejected or terminated in the past by USCIS for an L-1, E-2, B, or other visa?

Rejection in the past does not disqualify the applicant, unless the reasons relate to immigration fraud or other grounds of inadmissibility or removability. It is most important that all criminal, medical, or U.S. immigration history problems be disclosed to the limited partnership and legal counsel in advance of application.

9. After petition approval, can members of the family interview in different countries?

Family members can interview in different countries. The country of origin or where the family has current ties is the standard interview site. Often one member of the family is located in another country, such as a student attending school in the U.S. The student does not have to return to the country of origin and can adjust status in the United States at the district office of the USCIS.

10. Who receives the permanent residency (“green card”)?

Husband, wife and any unmarried children under the age of 21. It is possible for adopted children to be included in the family. Upon approval you will receive the Conditional Resident Alien Card via the mail.

11. Must I be in good health?

Yes, you must submit to and pass a health medical examination so either as part of the US Consular or Adjustment within the U.S. process before a conditional EB-5 Visa is granted.

12. Is it required that I have previous business experience or education

No, you do not need any prior business experience or have to demonstrate any minimum level of education. The only requirement is that you have the investment capital as required by the Regional Center and proof that the source and path of funds are legal.

13. Do I need to speak English to become a permanent resident of the U.S.?

No, this is not a requirement.

Investment Q&A

1. What investment options do I have for consideration with EB5 Impact Capital Regional Center?

EB5 Impact Capital Regional Center, LLC utilizes immigrant investor capital into projects throughout Los Angeles County that meet program criteria, including job creation in Targeted Employment Areas (TEA), to promote job growth. EB5 Impact Capital Regional Center focuses on projects within five business sectors:

1. Hotel
2. Manufacturing
3. Retail Shopping Centers
4. Medical Office
5. Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facility

2. What is a limited partnership?

A limited partnership combines corporate limited liability with partnership taxation. The limited partnership, formed by filing a charter with a state government, consists of a general partner and one or more limited partners. The charter details the rights and powers of the limited and general partners, percentages of ownership, and distributions of profits. The general partner manages the business.

The limited partners are passive investors liable only for the value of their investment. The limited partnership income is taxed at the partner level, not at the entity level.

3. How is my limited partner interest protected?

The Certificate of Limited Partnership must be recorded with the State of California as a public record. The Limited Partnership agreement lists the names and percentage interests of the limited partners. The deed for the investment property is held in the name of the limited partnership. The deed is also of public record. This means the property cannot be sold, mortgaged or altered without complying with the terms of the limited partnership agreement. ADF only works with experienced and established EB-5 partners and projects. We personally provide rigorous due diligence for each business. We work with the EB-5 business or project to plan aggressive and realistic financial goals and we secure our EB-5 investment with substantial collateral to ensure the safety of your investment. We have maintained an exceptional record of return to our investors and safety for our valued clients.

4. Is my investment guaranteed?

No. The law requires an “at risk” investment without guarantees or redemption rights.

5. What are my risks?

As in any investment there is a risk of total loss. By U.S. regulations, all funds must be put at risk. All investors are provided with sound references to permit independent verification of the information contained in the investment prospectus.

6. Should I consult my own financial advisor before investing?

Yes. EB5 Impact Capital Regional Center, LLC urges prospective foreign investors to please consult their own financial advisors for advice on investing through this program.

7. Why must I invest before you will apply for my green card?

Investment companies and designated Regional Centers accept EB-5 investors by placing funds in an escrow account pending I-526 Petition approval. The funds may only be released upon approval of I-526 Petition unless otherwise agreed upon in the Offering Memorandum.

8. Can money gifted by a parent, other relative or business be used for an EB-5 investment?

Yes, provided that any applicable gift taxes are paid. It must be demonstrated that the gift is an actual arms length transaction and is a not a mere ruse or that the gifted funds will be given back after permanent resident status is granted.

9. Can several investors combine or “pool” their investment capital through one limited partnership?

The regulations specifically allow for pooling of funds by several investors to establish a limited partnership sufficient to qualify all participating investors. The only requirement is that each investor individually must qualify for the minimum at risk capital requirement and new job creation requirement.

10. What issues have been problematic in EB-5 cases?

The most common problem area has been insufficient documentation of the source of funds. Many people try to disclose the least possible information only to have the file returned with a request for further information. It is better to provide too much information rather than too little information. In this era of terror alerts, and suspicions about money laundering, USCIS case examiners require a well-documented source of funds.

11. Can I visit the project location?

Definitely! EB5 Impact Capital Regional Center coordinates many visits for its interested investors. We welcome you to visit us, meet our staff at our office in Los Angeles and tour the latest EB-5 projects.

12. What is the rate of return on investment?

EB-5 Program regulations and USCIS rulings require all EB-5 investments be “at risk.” As outlined in the Confidential Investment Memorandum, each investment is specific to its risk reward analysis and pro forma analysis. While EICRC cannot guarantee a specific rate of return, we believe it can achieve results consistent with or exceed those of other Regional Centers.

13. What exit strategies will EICRC use to provide investor liquidity?

EICRC structures our EB-5 investments to divest the investor and return the original principal balance after 5 years to the investor. The exact strategy used to exit each project investment will be determined on a project-by-project basis in order to provide the maximum financial and immigration benefit to our EB-5 investors.

USCIS & General:

Invest in America: www.investamerica.gov
US Citizenship and Immigration Services: www.uscis.gov
US Department of State’s Visa Office: www.travel.state.gov
EB-5 & Regional Center:
The Association to Invest in America: www.iiusa.org
AILA: www.aila.org